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Website design by Petroglyphx.
Website design
his website was designed & coded by Petroglyphx, a management consultancy partnership operated by the founder of Valley Forge Native Wildlife Refuge. Petroglyphx has more than 16 years of experience in designing & maintaining websites (along with authoring other marketing & technical content) for international service companies operating within the geoscience sector of oil & gas exploration. If your business, charity or personal website could benefit from a make-over, or if you’d like a website deploying some of the web technologies & graphic techniques used within this site, then please consider engaging Petroglyphx for the project.  Profits generated by Petroglyphx go towards assisting wildlife and the upkeep of this refuge ... not (unfortunately) in funding an affluent lifestyle for its partners!
Contacting Petroglyphx ...
+ petroglyphx geoscience consultancy